Join us for the 30-Day Kindness Challenge!


New Year, New Enjoyment in Your Marriage / Relationship!

Join us for the 30 Day Kindness Challenge!

January 16 – Valentine’s Day


Hi friends!

We have a fun initiative coming up with several author/speaker friends, and would love you to join us.  Starting January 16 and ending Valentine’s Day here’s the challenge:

  1. Don’t say anything negative about your spouse or significant other – either to them or about them to someone else.
  2. Each day, find at least one thing that you appreciate and/or enjoy about your mate, and tell them and tell at least one other person.
  3. Each day, do one little act of kindness for them.

That’s it!

Whether your relationship is rah-rah or rocky, doing those three little things will be the best possible gift you can give yourself and your relationship.  Try it and see!

A great Valentine’s Day present idea: buy a journal or notebook, record a sentence or two about #2 each day, perhaps capture a great story or two, and give it to your mate on V-Day night.

Follow any of us on social media to join in!  Over those 30 days, we’ll be sharing our stories and can’t wait to hear yours. For more details on how it works click here.

Your friends,

Shaunti Feldhahn, Kathi Lipp and Dave Willis

Change what you think, say and do and watch your marriage change too!

Follow us on FB to join the challenge.

Leaders: Want your people to join in? Check out The Best Habit for Improving Marriages Click here


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  1. First… Thank you for your encouragement and prayers yesterday at the #IWM2015!
    I have shared the 30 day challenge with my husband, of almost 36 years, and we have agreed to join you in this challenge!
    It will actually end on our 36th anniversary!!!
    Cheryl (and Jay) of Goldsboro, NC

  2. I’m in! Looking forward to the changes in me. Inviting friends to join me cause I’ll need support to make this really happen. And because I want my friend’s marriages to grow deeper. Thanks for the challenge, Shaunti.

  3. I love the idea of doing this on the heels of a New Year and heading up to Valentine’s Day! I’ve heard some of my friends say they write down things they are thankful for in November leading up to Thanksgiving. This gives people another opportunity to repeat a similar habit specifically with our spouses!

  4. Love this idea! I know that satan is attacking my marriage along with marriages of those that I am close to. This will help, and I have asked friends to hold me accountable.
    Thank you!

  5. I’m in. I recently spent 10 months between hospitals and rehabs and had 10 surgeries. I find myself really angry and noticed that I am taking it out on my husband. I want to change this and let him know how much I love and appreciate him. Looking forward to building him up instead of tearing him down.

  6. This is so good! I do these things often but certainly not with the necessary consistency, which then leads to beating myself up.
    I’m believing this will help me in ministering grace to my husband as well as to myself. Thanks for your leadership!

  7. My wife and I are sitting in your lecture at the Break Forth conference here in Edmonton. We are in!! For the 30 day kindness challenge???? Thank you for your wisdom, love and compassion for your fellow man, you are an amazing person!!

  8. I attended a seminar from shanti about this book.( love her books but never heard of this one till that day) I decided to try this challenge on my work partner, we are a great team but as of late were fighting non stop. In the hopes of salvaging our partnership and friendship and to stop the fighting I dedided to try. Well after 10 days our relationship has change dramatically and I am excited to see how the rest of the 20 days goes. For the first time in 7 years of being partners I see his wonderful heart truly and not clouded by his faults. Thanks Shanti for sharing your talents and gifts with us. You truly are a cut above and have hit another home run.

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