Wow – a commercial that shows a great dad, not a doofus dad!

You HAVE to see this great new commercial for Peanut Butter Cheerios that my husband Jeff sent my way! What a refreshing change to see a commercial that features a strong, confident dad, presents such a man as the NORM, and celebrates how guys just do a few things differently as parents. Definitely a contrast to the ad we highlighted a few months ago that took the opposite view of dads (and men in general).

Jeff sent this video to us as we were in the middle of our (all-women) staff meeting. We watched it on my staff director’s computer and cheered! We told Jeff that, and he said, “I think men AND women will cheer this all over the country. I’m heading out to pick up around a hundred boxes of that stuff. Need to show companies that making ads like this will serve their interests also.”

While I’m hoping he’s SLIGHTLY exaggerating about the hundred boxes, I love the idea of giving General Mills (maker of Cheerios) some positive market feedback. So in addition to buying some PB Cheerios, here’s a link where you can send them some WRITTEN feedback if you like what they have done here!

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One Comment

  1. Wow, that’s a refreshing commercial for families, dads and wives! I’m tired of seeing the helpless, dummed down commercials about men and dads. Women have been used in commercials for their sexy bodies, which I would like to see changed as well, but that has been the norm for a lot longer than the recent dumb guy commercials. I hope General Mills does more of these commercials, especially showing more of the respectful kids and less of the smart kids, stupid parents ads that are also recently prevalent.

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