How to Talk to Your Wife About the Effort She Puts Into Her Appearance

How do I talk to my wife about how important it is to me that she put an effort into her appearance?  By Jackie Coleman

Warning: you are about to embark into extremely dangerous waters! Proceed with caution.

Let’s face it…in this culture, looks matter. And although true worth and beauty come from places far deeper than surface-level appearance, society tells us otherwise. Scantily clad, size 0 models look up from the magazine page into your wife’s eyes and tell her she is not good enough. Her waist—too thick; her legs—to stout; her hair—too plain. Already hypersensitive and aware of her flaws, she is constantly reminded of the areas that are unacceptable, ugly, and under par according to society’s standards. So regardless of how you approach the issue of appearance, in her eyes, you will be joining the others in criticism. And your dissatisfaction will be the most painful because she longs to be beautiful to you.

But there is hope! Dr. Michael Sytsma, a licensed professional counselor and president of Building Intimate Marriages, Inc., suggests first determining the motive behind broaching the topic of appearance. Frankly, if the only reason is to melt five pounds off her hips, don’t even bother. But, as Dr. Sytsma states, if you feel as though her appearance indicates a deeper heart issue (such as not taking care of herself, lacking self-worth or confidence in who she is, avoiding discipline, etc.), then your loving concern is welcome.

Keep in mind, though, that even the best of intentions can nosedive. So, before anything is said or done, know your wife. Think about what would hurt her. Take into account how she will interpret your words. Understand what would build her up.

If your concerns are health-related, encourage her towards an improved lifestyle. The best way to do this is not simply by suggesting activities for her to do, but by joining her in them. Take a walk together. Go on a bike ride as the weather improves. Sign up for a couples’ tennis team. Commit to eating healthier foods—together.

However, be honest with yourself, and consider whether your “encouragement” revolves around her upkeep (or lack thereof). It is understandable that you want to be proud of the woman on your arm. Dr. Sytsma acknowledges that regardless of right or wrong, other people’s opinions do have some effect on us. Affirm any effort she puts into her appearance—find an area that you truly do admire, and compliment her. You can contribute to her interest in how she looks by surprising her with a new outfit or pair of earrings. Tell her when the color of her shirt makes her sparkle, or her hairstyle is flattering. In that way, you can, as they say, be part of the solution instead of part of the problem!

So, when you notice improvements, let her know! But when you don’t, realize that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Be patient, and expect setbacks. And remember, men are to love and cherish their wives, regardless of successes or failures—and above and beyond appearance. Be your wife’s cheerleader and spur her on! Sweep those magazines, with their lies and faulty standards, right off the table, and instead, YOU be the mirror that reflects her true beauty.

Jackie Feit earned her Master’s degree in Professional Counseling with a concentration in Christian sex therapy at Psychological Studies Institute and the Institute for Sexual Wholeness in Atlanta, GA.

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  1. I found this article above and reading it with swollen eyes from crying. The article hits too close to home. The part where women are considered ideal with tiny waists and long legs. I looked at the web page of sports illustrated to see what shows up besides sports news.y husband likes to keep up on scores and stuff. What I also saw were barely clothed women. Am I being too thin skinned to be upset that he couldn’t find another source to get his sport news? I so hurt at the images he saw of women I could never meet up to. I wished it were a decision he made without me having to see it and have to ask if he would get his sports info else where. I have low self body image my entire life and I do put in am effort. I always wear make up and exceeise but now I feel why bother. Am I over reacting? It hurts so bad though.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. First, I want to commend you for going the extra mile to take good care of yourself! This article was intended for men and is not intended for women who are already taking care themselves. As Shaunti writes in For Women Only, the best thing we can do to help our husbands in this area is to pray for them. “Unless the Lord protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good.” We are to pray and support our husbands but it is ultimately the Lord’s job to protect them. It is also important to realize that the despair you are feeling is not from the Lord. Just as it is our husband’s responsibility to “take every thought captive,” it is also our responsibility as wives to take our thoughts captive and not allow ourselves to be tormented. Shaunti addresses both of these issues in this video clip which I think you will find helpful

  2. Don’t give up!

    I have struggled with my weight throughout my life, and have finally come to a place where I feel comfortable with myself. I have always been overweight, and my legs are thick. I eventually realized that I needed to find what looked good on ME. I carry my weight in my legs and hips, so when I found styles that flattered me I felt much better and came to terms with the fact that skinny jeans and certain other styles do not flatter me. I also lost weight (50 pounds in 7 years)and went from a size 14 to about a size 8ish. Do things that make you feel healthy. 🙂

    As for your husband, he may really have been looking at the scores. Offer to get a different subscription for him or help him find another source.

  3. What if the situation were reversed? How does one go about telling their husband that letting himself go has a profound impact on me? Not only is it heartbreaking to watch but a huge turn off as well.

    1. Here is a link to an article Shaunti wrote that addresses how important it is to take care of yourself. As Shaunti says in the article, “The effort to get and stay healthy – for both men and women – sends such an important message in your marriage. It says I care about you enough to do something that is uncomfortable for me, in order to take care of myself for you.” Reply

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