If You Don't Want Your Colleagues to See You as "Mommy," Stop Airing Your Dirty Laundry

If You Don't Want Your Colleagues to See You as "Mommy," Stop Airing Your Dirty Laundry

Dear Shaunti, I am back in the workforce after ten years as a stay-at-home mom, and I know my experience juggling kids has prepared me well for my new project manager job. After all, before 7 am each morning alone, I have a husband and three kids to get fed, clothed, and out the door…

I've been BUSTED!

I've been BUSTED!

I think I just got a signal that I have to work on my approach to people during my book deadlines.    You see, I’m in the middle of a deadline on a co-authored book that I’m writing with Craig Gross, founder of xxxchurch.com, and I’m WAY behind due to successfully having lots of “mom…

2 Ways Flex-Time Moms Can Prevent Resentment from Male Co-Workers

2 Ways Flex-Time Moms Can Prevent Resentment from Male Co-Workers

Dear Shaunti,  I work full-time, have 3 small children and work a flex schedule. This works really well for my family but my male co-workers get frustrated when they can’t reach me during traditional office hours. I’m getting all my work done but I’m worried they’re not viewing me as an equal colleague because they…

Sexual Attraction in the Workplace

Sexual Attraction in the Workplace

Moody Radio Interview – How to Navigate Attraction in the Workplace Listen to this one hour debate between Christopher Heuertz and Shaunti Feldhahn about whether or not Iowa dentist Dr. James Knight was justified when he fired employee, Melissa Nelson, who worked as a dental assistant for being “irresistible”.  Dr. Knight complained Nelson wore tight clothes…