When She Has the Stronger Sex Drive; Part Three.

When She Has the Stronger Sex Drive; Part Three.

This is the third and final article in a 3-part series written by Christian Sex Therapist Dr. Michael Sytsma of Building Intimate Marriages, offering hope, encouragement, and direction to wives who have a stronger sexual drive than their husbands.  In Part One and Part Two, Dr. Sytsma pointed out that wives with a stronger sexual drive than their…

The Sex & Conversation Series, Part 2: Sex Creates A Powerful Connection With Your Man’s Heart

The Sex & Conversation Series, Part 2: Sex Creates A Powerful Connection With Your Man’s Heart

Even with many married couples spending more time at home than ever before, we still have busy days, and it can be easy to feel closer to our kids than to our husband. But in the end, many of us also need to improve our overall connection to our husband.