Menopause, Aging and the Sexual Female

Menopause, Aging and the Sexual Female

Warning, this article contains sexually graphic terminology in a medical context.  As I’m on the road speaking to women’s groups, men’s groups and groups of married couples, I get a lot of questions about sex and intimacy that relate to my research but aren’t directly addressed. Since I’m not a counselor, I don’t necessarily know…

Conjugal Conundrum (Part 2) by Dr. Sue Townsend

Conjugal Conundrum (Part 2) by Dr. Sue Townsend

As I’m on the road speaking to women’s groups, men’s groups and groups of married couples, I get a lot of questions about sex and intimacy that relate to my research but aren’t directly addressed. Since I’m not a counselor, I don’t necessarily know the answers to some of these specialized questions. So I went…

Conjugal Conundrum (Part 1) by Dr. Sue Townsend

Conjugal Conundrum (Part 1) by Dr. Sue Townsend

As I’m on the road speaking to women’s groups, men’s groups and groups of married couples, I get a lot of questions about sex and intimacy that relate to my research but aren’t directly addressed. Since I’m not a counselor, I don’t necessarily know the answers to some of these specialized questions. So I went…

Desperate Girl

This Meme cracked us up. Reminds me of this section from For Young Men Only:*  “A girl we’ll call Molly told us that she had signed an abstinence agreement with her parents and fully intended to save sex until marriage.  But then she had a pushy boyfriend and wasn’t careful about the make-out situations she…

How Can I Get My Wife to Understand How Important Sex is to Me?

How Can I Get My Wife to Understand How Important Sex is to Me?

How can I get my wife to understand how important sex is to me? by Jackie Coleman Let’s look at the options: 1. Being romantic just to get sex will be seen as manipulative. 2. Hinting at your desires will most likely push her further away. 3. Not doing anything about it will make you…