Marriage Monday: Husbands, talk to your wife about whether what you’re working so hard to provide, is what she most needs

Marriage Monday: Husbands, talk to your wife about whether what you’re working so hard to provide, is what she most needs

Tip #37: Husbands, talk to your wife about whether what you’re working so hard to provide, is what she most needs Guys, every day you feel the burden to provide. Whether or not you’re the primary bread winner, you’re feeling It is my job to provide for my family. It’s a hard world out there, with lots…

Wives, build a deeper connection with your husband through physical intimacy

Wives, build a deeper connection with your husband through physical intimacy

Tip #36: Wives, build a deeper connection with your husband through physical intimacy.  There are times when it feels like some “connection” gets lost between spouses. Long days, busy schedules and running around with the kids add physical distance. And confusion, frustration, misunderstandings, stress and grumpiness add emotional distance. Both husbands and wives instinctively want…

Don't Force Your Sex Life into Hibernation Mode By Choosing Sleep Over Sex

Don't Force Your Sex Life into Hibernation Mode By Choosing Sleep Over Sex

Dear Shaunti, We have young kids, and often I’m so exhausted that I just want to go to sleep without my husband trying to start something. Most of the time I have absolutely no interest in sex late at night, after running afternoon carpool, juggling karate and ballet lessons, making dinner, helping with homework (my…