Today Starts The 30-Day Kindness Challenge! (Day One – Men of CWC)

For all current information about The 30-Day Kindness Challenge, including Shaunti’s new book The Kindness Challenge, please click here. Today Starts The 30-Day Kindness Challenge! And weeeeee’re off!  The starter’s gun has fired and you’re off and running on a thirty day marathon that will lead to some great encouragement in your lives and marriages….

Today Starts The 30-Day Kindness Challenge! (Day One – Women of CWC)

For all current information about The 30-Day Kindness Challenge, including Shaunti’s new book The Kindness Challenge, please click here. Today starts The 30-Day Kindness Challenge! And weeeeee’re off!  The starter’s gun has fired and we’re off and running on a thirty day marathon that will lead to some very cool encouragement in our lives and…

Ladies, think Golf Balls vs. Cinderella Balls to realize your man does want romance!

Ladies, think Golf Balls vs. Cinderella Balls to realize your man does want romance!

Tip #50: Ladies, think Golf Balls vs. Cinderella Balls to realize your man does want romance! Ladies: When you think of romance, what does it look like? A candlelit dinner? Getting whisked away for a night of dance lessons? Having a picnic and watching the sunset? For many women, these kinds of dates are what…

A Zero-Divorce Pre-Marital Program: A great case study for churches and couples

A Zero-Divorce Pre-Marital Program: A great case study for churches and couples

A Zero-Divorce Pre-Marital Program: A great case study for churches and couples A few months back, Jeff and I came across a highly successful model of pre-marital preparation at a church in a small town in Michigan; after seventeen years, among couples who were getting married for the first time, not one had since gotten…