Guys wonder: do compliments really matter? Three things your wife is secretly thinking:

Guys wonder: do compliments really matter? Three things your wife is secretly thinking:

“Am I beautiful?”  You may think your wife is beautiful, adorable, sexy, and you love to look at her.  And yet…. she probably sees all her flaws instead.  She has deep doubts about whether she is beautiful at all.  Little girls will spin in a pretty dress, asking “Daddy, am I pretty?”  And guys, your confident,…

Diamond Disappointment: If the ring is cheap, does it mean his feelings are too?

Diamond Disappointment: If the ring is cheap, does it mean his feelings are too?

Dear Shaunti, The day my boyfriend asked me to marry him was one of the happiest days of my life. He went all out: perfect location, meaningful words, and down on one knee with a lovely ring. At the time, I wouldn’t have changed a thing. But now, just a few months before the wedding,…

Your husband wants sex? 3 things he’s not saying out loud

Your husband wants sex? 3 things he’s not saying out loud

Welcome to the weekly list at Ask Shaunti! Each Wednesday, join me as I share a few of the little, eye-opening things about men, women, and relationships that make a big difference in marriages and families. Your husband wants sex? 3 things he’s not saying out loud: 1. “I need to feel desirable.” We women may…

When Talking Politics with your Mate, Disarm and Listen

When Talking Politics with your Mate, Disarm and Listen

Dear Shaunti, I can’t wait until the presidential election is over. My husband and I were on the same page politically until a few months ago, but are now very divided. I literally can’t skim past a cable news channel without my husband trying to force me into a discussion about a political issue. He’s trying…