The Pressure Behind Your Pricetags: Understanding Your Husband's Need to Provide

The Pressure Behind Your Pricetags: Understanding Your Husband's Need to Provide

Dear Shaunti, My husband makes a good income, and I always stick to our budget, but my husband is always nervous about my spending, and it makes me nuts.  He’s not a control freak in any other area except this. He checks our bank account every day to see how much I have spent on…

His Temper May Be Fiery, But Your Criticism Is Explosive Fuel

His Temper May Be Fiery, But Your Criticism Is Explosive Fuel

Dear Shaunti: My husband has an anger problem, and I don’t know how to handle it. We’ve always had “intense discussions,” but lately he’s been getting furious and walking away. Last night, we got into a fight on our way out of a restaurant, just because I told him that he shouldn’t have eaten so…