This One Thing Makes a Huge Difference for Your Teen

This One Thing Makes a Huge Difference for Your Teen

Parents, I have some encouraging news for you. Although we’re all suffering from just a smidge of PTSD this year, we have also learned some really important lessons. And I’m not just talking about discovering that the kids won’t interrupt your Zoom meetings if you hide in your laundry closet. I’m talking about some crucial…

4 Crucial Things Daughters Need To Hear from their Dads

4 Crucial Things Daughters Need To Hear from their Dads

The daddy/daughter dances. The skinned knees and kissed boo-boos. Watching recitals, cheering at games, drying tears after first break-ups. Dads, we know you love your daughter. And you know you love your daughter. But there’s something you might not know: just how much your daughter needs to hear it! In the research with teens and…