Why I’m Grateful for My Daughter’s First Car Accident

Why I’m Grateful for My Daughter’s First Car Accident

This might sound odd, but I’m really, really grateful for my 16-year-old daughter’s car accident yesterday. Yes, you read that right. She got her license a few months ago, and is a careful, conscientious driver.  She’s uncomfortable going five miles per hour over the speed limit.  She also knows we are sacrificing to get her…

3 things to do when your kid rolls her eyes at you

3 things to do when your kid rolls her eyes at you

Not that this ever happens. But every now and then our kids (girls and boys) might perhaps display a little attitude. Perhaps it’s an eye roll, a derisive tone, a sudden disrespectful temper. Whatever it is, it’s almost guaranteed to make a parent’s head explode. We of course never did this. Ever. We were perfect darlings….

Women: Why what you do today matters even if you don’t feel like it

Women: Why what you do today matters even if you don’t feel like it

Women: Why what you do today matters even if you don’t feel like it Guest post by Jennifer Rothschild She greeted me when I walked into the cafeteria on Parents’ Day. Our oldest son was a freshman in college and this was the first time after dropping him off that we’d been back to visit….

Two great ways to boost your son's self-esteem

Two great ways to boost your son's self-esteem

Many boys these days go through challenging times that are not of their making, and yet they affect how our sons view themselves. Every day, boys experience challenges at school that make them feel stupid, especially since our sit-still-and-listen school processes are not necessarily optimally designed for how boys’ brains learn! Perhaps even more toxic…