This is what inadequacy feels like to your man

This is what inadequacy feels like to your man

For a moment, I’d like you to picture a mortifying scenario that may or may not have actually happened recently. Imagine that you’re an author and public speaker. Imagine that, hypothetically, you’ve spent fifteen years uncovering ‘aha moments’ about relationships – and that your audiences are usually quite engaged and interested as a result. You…

Grumpy Husband at the End of the Day? Here’s How to Change That

Grumpy Husband at the End of the Day? Here’s How to Change That

When your husband walks through the door at the end of the day, is he more like Prince Charming from Cinderella or Grumpy from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs? If your answer is “definitely Grumpy!” you’re not alone. Most married couples spend busy days apart, no matter what their jobs are and whether they…

Husband-Speak: How to Transform His World With Your Words

Husband-Speak: How to Transform His World With Your Words

Imagine a springtime shower without the gentle sound of rain. Or a baseball game without that CRACK of the bat. Or imagine a world where children smile but don’t laugh, friends wave but don’t speak, dogs don’t bark and birds don’t sing. A world without all that would seem flat and weird and strangely empty,…

The Foreign Culture Of A Man’s Mind And How To Navigate It 

The Foreign Culture Of A Man’s Mind And How To Navigate It 

Have you ever travelled to a foreign country with a very different culture for your work? Were you uneasy? Did you read up on the geography, language, rituals, and nuances so that you would be successful? When I was working as a financial analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, my primary responsibility…