The Canadian Video to America That Made Me Cry – And What We Can Learn From It

The Canadian Video to America That Made Me Cry – And What We Can Learn From It

Have you heard the joke: How does someone from Canada cheat on a test?  They secretly write on the palm of their hand, “You can do it!” Our neighbors to the north are an unusually open, honest, nice, kind bunch. No one is perfect, but as a whole Canadians are just a friendly people. And…

The two most dangerous assumptions women make about relationships

The two most dangerous assumptions women make about relationships

After I finished speaking at a recent women’s event, a beautiful woman who I will call Sierra came up to ask me a question.  “How can I get my husband to do anything to improve our relationship?  He has completely shut down on me.  He won’t go to counseling, he won’t read any books.”  She…

Let’s Stop Dissing Dads (And the Daddy Commercial That Made Me Cry)

Let’s Stop Dissing Dads (And the Daddy Commercial That Made Me Cry)

OK, it’s my turn to ask a question: why do we think it is okay to publicly ridicule men as lazy, uncaring so-and-so’s who just don’t work as hard as we noble, all-giving, all-caring women? A friend showed me this e-card recently, and it made me steaming mad.  For those who can’t see the image,…

Men, Avoid This Sneaky Trap That Will Kill Your Marriage

Men, Avoid This Sneaky Trap That Will Kill Your Marriage

Last week, speaking primarily to women, we revealed the sneaky trap that will quietly but efficiently kill any marriage: Never, ever, ever think your spouse “shouldn’t” be hurt by something that wouldn’t hurt you. The same trap can and often does ensnare men. For both men and women, we often completely forget (or brush off…