This One Secret Is A Game-Changer For Any Relationship
Understanding our spouse doesn’t necessarily mean seeing things their way
Understanding our spouse doesn’t necessarily mean seeing things their way
Why does your husband park himself in front of the TV and check out, leaving you to deal with the parenting and household tasks?
Some surprising research has found that positive emotional responses toward our spouse may have much more impact on relationship satisfaction in the long run.
When you’re working with couples on a regular basis, you probably wish you could do something to give hope to confused or discouraged couples. One of the most effective things you can do is also the most simple.
If you’ve ever seen your man shut down when you think you’re just asking questions or giving helpful advice, here’s some of what might be going on.
when we have tension with our spouse around money, it’s not about the money. It’s about how money makes us feel—and makes our spouse feel.