Men, When Your Wife Worries Give Her Your Understanding, Not Your Frustration

Men, When Your Wife Worries Give Her Your Understanding, Not Your Frustration

Tip 53: Men, When Your Wife Worries Give Her Your Understanding, Not Your Frustration Guys, I know this is a huge shocker, but…. women’s brains are wired differently than men’s. I know there are times when you as a husband probably feel completely baffled by your wife’s thoughts and actions. One man recently shared with…

In marriage, realize the need to understand men’s deep vulnerability

In marriage, realize the need to understand men’s deep vulnerability

A women’s ministry leader once told me, “With a woman, if something is unsettled in her marriage or dating relationship, it’s like nothing is right with the world until that is resolved.” So true! Whether it is a single woman who is wondering why her latest date won’t call her back or a woman married…