2 Things to Do if You Want Your Teen to Talk to You

2 Things to Do if You Want Your Teen to Talk to You

“How was school?” (Shrug.) “Fine.” “What did you do?” “Nothin’.” If this sounds familiar, join the club!  Not only do I have two teenagers, but I’ve interviewed and surveyed about 3,000 of them for For Parents Only and other books, and discovered that the condition homo teenagesapiens silenticus (otherwise known as “being a teenager who is uninformatively…

Want a Great Marriage? Ask yourself this sneakily important question! 

Want a Great Marriage? Ask yourself this sneakily important question! 

Whether you want to improve a difficult marriage or celebrate a great one, I’ve seen in all the research — especially for The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages — that one of the best possible things you can do is to ask yourself: How did I meet my spouse and fall in love to begin…

3 reasons why you should initiate sex with your husband

3 reasons why you should initiate sex with your husband

Although this article is for women, I’m sure some astonished men are looking in, and asking, “What do you mean why you should initiate sex?!”   To guys, the answer is completely obvious!  It reminds me of that line from the movie City Slickers when Billy Crystal’s character tells his friend, “Women need a reason…

Four reasons your man says “I don’t need help” – even when he does

Four reasons your man says “I don’t need help” – even when he does

Ladies, whether it is refusing to admit he needs to go to the doctor, or claiming that he knows where he’s going even when he’s clearly lost, a man usually defaults to insisting that he’s fine, it’s all good, he doesn’t need help.  Even when we might insist otherwise. My research with men for For…

Why is it that MEN always seem to be the ones who look at porn and cheat?

Why is it that MEN always seem to be the ones who look at porn and cheat?

Dear Shaunti, Why is it always men who look at porn, hide things, and cheat?  I’m a single woman, and I can’t help but notice that in the news last week, the one thing Josh Duggar and most of the Ashley Madison cheaters have in common is that they are all men.   Supposedly, even the few women…