Wives, let your husband think things through before pressing to talk

Wives, let your husband think things through before pressing to talk

Tip #40: Wives, let your husband think things through before pressing to talk Last week at an event, a woman told me, “I’m so frustrated at my husband. He’s a great guy, but I feel like he’s an avoider. The minute I bring up something hard, he refuses to talk about it. Like this morning….

His Temper May Be Fiery, But Your Criticism Is Explosive Fuel

His Temper May Be Fiery, But Your Criticism Is Explosive Fuel

Dear Shaunti: My husband has an anger problem, and I don’t know how to handle it. We’ve always had “intense discussions,” but lately he’s been getting furious and walking away. Last night, we got into a fight on our way out of a restaurant, just because I told him that he shouldn’t have eaten so…

Marriage Monday: Women, Ask Him to Accept Help Without Hurting His Heart

Marriage Monday: Women, Ask Him to Accept Help Without Hurting His Heart

Tip #25: Women, when you know you need to ask your husband to accept guidance or help, and you know he might feel painfully inadequate as a result, say it with kindness and in a way that makes it about your need rather than his failure. One of the things I was most surprised by,…

Women, See Going Out and Doing Things Together as Romantic

Women, See Going Out and Doing Things Together as Romantic

Tip #22: Women, see going out and doing things together as romantic Ladies, when you envision romance, what comes to mind? I’m guessing candlelight dinners… maybe a horse-drawn carriage ride… a picnic on the beach at sunset… Since we were little girls, those sort of picturesque dates have seemed wonderfully romantic to us. We care…