How do I deflate my teenage son’s oversized ego and curb the cockiness?

How do I deflate my teenage son’s oversized ego and curb the cockiness?

Dear Shaunti, I’m a single mom to two teenage boys, and because their dad was an arrogant man I’m highly sensitive to teenage cockiness.  I really want to teach the boys humility.  My 17 year old is fine, but my 15 year old is convinced he’s God’s gift to his school, every girl he meets,…

When State Says Pot is OK, How Do I Convince My Child It Isn’t?

When State Says Pot is OK, How Do I Convince My Child It Isn’t?

Dear Shaunti, We live in Colorado, where pot is now visible on every corner. For my teenagers, seeing someone smoking pot is as now as commonplace as seeing someone smoking cigarettes; it’s viewed as a harmless pastime. But it isn’t harmless, and I don’t want my kids to be enticed by drugs. My husband and…

How can I get my teen to STOP relying on social media so much?

How can I get my teen to STOP relying on social media so much?

My kids’ obsession with Instagram and other social media has gotten to ridiculous levels. My teenage daughter takes photos of her outfits before she goes to school and wears the option that got the most likes.  She’s already placing far too much value on what her peers think of her, and social media is making…

What Does It Mean to Lead Your Daughter Spiritually?

What Does It Mean to Lead Your Daughter Spiritually?

What Does It Mean to Lead Your Daughter Spiritually? Guest post by Dr. Michelle J. Watson. Dads…I realize that I may be treading on sacred ground here as I provide you with suggestions about what it means to be a spiritual influence in your daughter’s life, so please understand that I am approaching this subject…