Being the Bigger Person in "The Little Things": Showing Your Wife that You Care

Being the Bigger Person in "The Little Things": Showing Your Wife that You Care

Dear Shaunti, I work long hours at a power plant, and my wife often sends me text messages or calls me about little issues happening that day. Like, a minor problem she’s having at the house. Or that our daughter skinned her knee at preschool. Or something came up with a dinner she’s planning. Usually,…

Want to Fix Your Wife’s Problem? Step 1: Listen. Step 2: Repeat.

Want to Fix Your Wife’s Problem? Step 1: Listen. Step 2: Repeat.

Dear Shaunti, My girlfriend tells me all the time that “I don’t want you to fix it; I just want you to listen!” But that’s after I’ve been listening for 10 minutes! Seriously? –Confused Dear Confused, That’s what my husband thought too! Jeff thought “listening” meant to just let me talk about whatever was on…