Top Marriage Advice for Newlyweds (and Everyone Else) About Communication
Below are four crucial communication habits we’ve identified for any couple who wants to create a highly happy marriage.
Below are four crucial communication habits we’ve identified for any couple who wants to create a highly happy marriage.
Hey guys, here’s a heads-up: Valentine’s Day is less than a week away. Do the little daily things that say, “I would choose you all over again.”
Not long ago, someone we know got engaged via a multi-stage, elaborate proposal that had clearly taken an immense amount of thought and effort. A mutual friend, upon hearing the story, told him, “Good job. Only 9,999,999 tests left to go.” The lucky groom, of course, wondered: why do women “test” and “play games” with…
1. “Just don’t think about it.” Women have no idea what that means. If she’s worried that her best friend suddenly isn’t talking to her, she has no way to not think about it. As men, you have this amazing ability to close out an unwelcome thought – almost like closing out a window on your computer…
Dear Shaunti, OK, awkward question but here goes: how can I convince my wife to let me see her in all her glory? We have a decent sex life, we don’t have any real marriage problems, and I’m careful to not check out other women. But she still seems to feel like how she looks…
1. Conflict. For most guys, conflict is just conflict; it is fairly easy to put it out of your head and focus on whatever you’re doing that day. But for most women… not so much. In my research for For Men Only, one woman explained it this way: “A lot of desperate feelings surface when…