Finding Contentment in the Everyday: Embracing the Lost Art of Doing Nothing

Finding Contentment in the Everyday: Embracing the Lost Art of Doing Nothing

I am delighted this week to hand the keys to the car over to my Staff and Operations Director Eileen Kirkland. She keeps this ministry organized (and keeps me sane!)—and as you’ll also read in her guest blog this week, she keeps things real with her teenage kids. I hope her words encourage you to…

What Forgiveness Can Teach Us About Creating a Thriving Life – part 2

What Forgiveness Can Teach Us About Creating a Thriving Life – part 2

Simple Superpowers Series, Part 4: Researchers have identified simple superpowers that help us flourish in our lives and relationships. In parts 1 and 2 we looked at gratitude and curiosity and last week we focused on why forgiveness is a superpower. This time, we get practical and cover why we resist forgiving others, and how to actually…