What Every Empty Nest Parent Needs to Know (Part 2)

What Every Empty Nest Parent Needs to Know (Part 2)

Are you adjusting to the changing realities of an empty nest? This series will help! This Part 2 continues what we started in Part 1 with parenting-related strategies. Next week, in part 3, we’ll navigate what this means for marriage. And stay tuned for a two-part follow-up later this fall, when we’ll reveal what our adult…

What Every Empty Nest Parent Needs to Know (Part 1)

What Every Empty Nest Parent Needs to Know (Part 1)

Are you adjusting to the changing realities of an empty nest? This series will help! Parts 1-2 will address your new season of parenting. In part 3, we’ll navigate the new ground your marriage is breaking (no, your marriage isn’t breaking!). And stay tuned for a two-part follow-up later this fall, when we’ll reveal what…

Does Your Wife Think Your Marriage Has Lost its Spark? Here’s How to Respond

Does Your Wife Think Your Marriage Has Lost its Spark? Here’s How to Respond

After getting their youngest child settled in at college for her freshman year, Phil began to notice signs of restlessness in his wife during their first few weeks of being empty nesters. Phil thought things were going great in their marriage—Leslie was a wonderful mom, a great wife, and his best friend. But now that…