Marriage Monday: Wives, find ways to keep his mental Instagram full of images of you

Marriage Monday: Wives, find ways to keep his mental Instagram full of images of you

Tip #38: Wives, find ways to keep his mental Instagram full of images of you.  Have you ever been out with your hubby on a pretty day, sitting at a park or strolling through an outdoor mall, when suddenly you see his eyes widen as the hot woman in the tight yoga pants saunters by, and…

Marriage Monday: Husbands, talk to your wife about whether what you’re working so hard to provide, is what she most needs

Marriage Monday: Husbands, talk to your wife about whether what you’re working so hard to provide, is what she most needs

Tip #37: Husbands, talk to your wife about whether what you’re working so hard to provide, is what she most needs Guys, every day you feel the burden to provide. Whether or not you’re the primary bread winner, you’re feeling It is my job to provide for my family. It’s a hard world out there, with lots…

Filling the Emotional Bank Account: The need for emotional closeness before physical closeness

Filling the Emotional Bank Account: The need for emotional closeness before physical closeness

So, guys, you’ve just had a big fight with your wife and now you’re ready to cool off and mend the relationship. What better way to make up than to spend a little intimate time together, right? Just one little problem, though: physical intimacy is the farthest thing from her mind. What’s the deal? For…