Your Time Is Worth Way More Than Money To Your Wife
What husbands are frequently working so hard to provide might not be what is really most valuable to their wife.
What husbands are frequently working so hard to provide might not be what is really most valuable to their wife.
When you make the effort to understand and honor your spouse’s unique perspective and values you’ll give—and receive—a gift much greater than money can buy.
An iceberg is typically 90% below the surface, with only 10% visible. Does your man ever seem like that iceberg, with so much hiding under the surface compared to the small portion you can actually see? Like many men, he probably doesn’t volunteer a whole lot about what he’s thinking and feeling deep down. So…
It’s no secret that money can cause friction in marriage. In fact, many husbands and wives essentially manage finances separately, just to avoid that friction! And while doing that can be tempting (and I mean really tempting!), our Thriving in Love & Money research shows that handling money independently breaks the very trust that binds us…
Happy Independence Day week! Independence works well for nations in many ways, but can cause issues in marriage. And we’ve sadly seen in our own nation how easy it is for the United States of America to splinter when the parties within it become their own independent factions instead of fighting for that unity. So…
In a few days, Americans will celebrate the Fourth of July. With fireworks, flags, and a whole lot of barbecue, we will cheerfully commemorate our country’s heritage– our independence. What we may not realize is just how much this basic American value has shaped our relationships. Independence can be a valuable attribute in many contexts…