Marriage Monday: Wives, have realistic expectations and share them with your husband

Marriage Monday: Wives, have realistic expectations and share them with your husband

Tip #31: Wives, have realistic expectations and share them with your husband Happy spouses help create happy marriages! Makes sense right? And it turns out that one of the things that will keep you happy – and thus your marriage happy – is avoiding a situation where you are likely to experience unmet expectations. Let me give…

Marriage Monday: Understand How Each Other Processes Emotions

Marriage Monday: Understand How Each Other Processes Emotions

Tip #30: Understand how each other will process strong emotions differently, to have better communication. We have all heard the funny saying men are from Mars and women are from Venus, however when it comes to processing strong emotions, this could be close to the truth! And understanding those differences will give you much better…

Women, See Going Out and Doing Things Together as Romantic

Women, See Going Out and Doing Things Together as Romantic

Tip #22: Women, see going out and doing things together as romantic Ladies, when you envision romance, what comes to mind? I’m guessing candlelight dinners… maybe a horse-drawn carriage ride… a picnic on the beach at sunset… Since we were little girls, those sort of picturesque dates have seemed wonderfully romantic to us. We care…