Never waver from knowing your marriage will last a lifetime

Never waver from knowing your marriage will last a lifetime

Tip 11: Never waver from knowing your marriage will last a lifetime I can still remember one of the most visually-effective points I’ve ever seen made by a professor. In my business school course on financial institutions, the professor was talking about a recent Wall Street scandal. He surveyed the usual horseshoe-shaped amphitheater, walked over…

For a Happy Marriage: Look Higher

For a Happy Marriage: Look Higher

A secret to a happy marriage: don’t look to your spouse to make you happy… instead, look Higher.. Excerpted and adapted from Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages by Shaunti Feldhahn Copyright © 2013 by Shaunti Feldhahn. Excerpted by permission of Multnomah Books, a division of Random House LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be…


True Love

The past three years, I have been researching the things that set happy couples apart from other couples. One of the things I discovered is that happy couples have an overt sense of gratitude for their spouse. This video brought home in a very tangible way just what this looks like. Most of us will…

Husband Duck

Husband Duck

I know that probably the only reason this touched me so much is that I’m sleep deprived from too many 3:30 a.m. wake-ups for early flights BUT I just had to share this picture.  I drove into a busy gas station this morning and saw this husband duck hovering protectively over his wife, who was…

Depression Bandaid

Struggling with depression in your marriage?  Be encouraged with this article and know that you are not alone. One of my foundational teachings from my research is that we women want (and need) our husbands to love us even when we are unlovely, while men need us to respect them even when they may make…