Marriage Monday: Women, Ask Him to Accept Help Without Hurting His Heart

Marriage Monday: Women, Ask Him to Accept Help Without Hurting His Heart

Tip #25: Women, when you know you need to ask your husband to accept guidance or help, and you know he might feel painfully inadequate as a result, say it with kindness and in a way that makes it about your need rather than his failure. One of the things I was most surprised by,…

Marriage Mondays: Encourage Your Wife to Resolve Her Worries

Marriage Mondays: Encourage Your Wife to Resolve Her Worries

Tip #24: Men, instead of saying “Just don’t let it bother you” encourage your wife’s actions to resolve what is worrying her. Husbands, imagine this scene: all week your wife has been a bit preoccupied and upset about something going on with her relationship with her mom. You have listened to her, encouraged her, she…

Go to Church

Go to Church

Tip 12: Go to Church One of the biggest myths discouraging churchgoers in recent decades is the notion that “George Barna found the rate of divorce is the same in the church.” On the contrary, George Barna found no such thing – and the real facts point us to a key action for anyone who…