Solutions for Sarcasm? Yeah, Right. (Nix the Negativity Series, Part 3)

Solutions for Sarcasm? Yeah, Right. (Nix the Negativity Series, Part 3)

This is Part 3 of a three-part series to help us nix the negative patterns that may be damaging our relationships. Part 1 tackled suspicion, Part 2 examined grumbling, and Part 3 takes aim at solutions for sarcasm. One of my friends has a sign in her laundry room that says – in a very…

Always Suspicious of Your Spouse (or Others)? Here’s What To Do! (Nix the Negativity, Part 1)

Always Suspicious of Your Spouse (or Others)? Here’s What To Do! (Nix the Negativity, Part 1)

This is Part 1 of a three-part series to help us nix the negative patterns that may be damaging our relationships. This week focuses on the solution for an often-subconscious mindset of suspicion. Next week – Thanksgiving week – we’ll look at how to practice gratitude over grumbling. The final week … well, stay tuned. The…

Two Simple Steps to Transform Christmas Get-Togethers

Two Simple Steps to Transform Christmas Get-Togethers

From shopping, cooking, wrapping, and year-end work projects, we all have enough to do this week. Oh, and don’t forget cookies for the neighbors! Or the attempts to organize a chaotic house into some sort of shape before the family get-together. Or the efforts to keep the peace between contentious Uncle Harry and our reactionary…

Start the 30-Day Kindness Challenge Today and Give Your Valentine the Best Gift Ever

Start the 30-Day Kindness Challenge Today and Give Your Valentine the Best Gift Ever

It seems like Christmas is barely over—we’re on celebration overload and are still struggling with “what year is it now?”—when the Valentine’s Day displays go up in all the stores. Is it just me or is your inner Scrooge grumbling: “Hey, give me a minute before we dive into the next holiday, please!”? But believe…

Three Simple Steps to More Joy in Your Life and Relationships

Three Simple Steps to More Joy in Your Life and Relationships

Does your mother-in-law make you want to pull your hair out by criticizing every move you make? Maybe your wife doesn’t appreciate all the things you do for your family, or it’s your husband who takes you for granted and always seems angry. Perhaps you dread going to work every day because your boss talks…