Top Marriage Advice for Newlyweds (and Everyone Else) About Making a Happy Marriage
Newlywed? Engaged? Read the research-based habits for a happy marriage!
Newlywed? Engaged? Read the research-based habits for a happy marriage!
Do you know the real facts about marriage or just the myths? Find out the positive truth about marriage today.
TV shows and books often portray great marriages but not necessarily the truth for how you create great marriages.
Going “all-in” doesn’t just help a marriage last, it creates an environment where couples can thrive!
Although in the USA, we honor our national independence every July 4, we are exhilarated by individual freedom all year long. Which is great—until it comes to marriage. Suddenly, we’re in a covenant in which two individuals must become one. We are no longer just “you” and “me” but “we.” We may love being married and be fully committed…
While your man might not seem romantic in the way you would like, he still wants romance! Here’s how to help him make that happen.