Top Marriage Advice for Newlyweds (and Everyone Else) About Conflict – Part 1 
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Top Marriage Advice for Newlyweds (and Everyone Else) About Conflict – Part 1 

This is a new entry in our series to equip engaged and newlywed couples – and anyone else trying to create a great marriage. Based on more than 18 years of research and 12 nationally representative studies with more than 40,000 men and women, these articles identify simple (but essential) habits for highly happy marriages….

The Benefits Of Not Getting Married Just To Get Married

The Benefits Of Not Getting Married Just To Get Married

Jeff and I recently watched an old favorite movie: When Harry Met Sally. I was struck yet again by a dynamic that happens when Sally finds herself alone at age 30, after having broken up with her live-in boyfriend of five years. Her friends push her to start dating again and get married quickly, lest…

When Knee-Jerk Reactions Cause Money Tension In Marriage
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When Knee-Jerk Reactions Cause Money Tension In Marriage

Although everyone reacts in different ways, at some point we all have a negative response to something around money—especially what our spouse does with money! In doing research for our book Thriving in Love and Money, my husband Jeff and I found that these knee-jerk reactions often trace back to a few faulty patterns of thought. But if we can learn to recognize and catch those wrong assumptions, we can retrain our thinking and dramatically change our interactions with our spouse.