When Knee-Jerk Reactions Cause Money Tension In Marriage
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When Knee-Jerk Reactions Cause Money Tension In Marriage

Although everyone reacts in different ways, at some point we all have a negative response to something around money—especially what our spouse does with money! In doing research for our book Thriving in Love and Money, my husband Jeff and I found that these knee-jerk reactions often trace back to a few faulty patterns of thought. But if we can learn to recognize and catch those wrong assumptions, we can retrain our thinking and dramatically change our interactions with our spouse.

Introducing Thriving in Love & Money - Discussion Guide and Course by Jeff & Shaunti Feldhahn - thriveinloveandmoney.com
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Announcing a New Resource for Thriving in Love and Money

If you or your church are pondering whether to do a money management course in January (such as a Dave Ramsey or Crown Financial class), I want to propose a completely new idea for you: We’ve been doing money management programs in the wrong order! Nearly every such program starts with teaching and encouraging the…

Why Does What I Buy Make My Husband So Upset?
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Why Does What I Buy Make My Husband So Upset?

Current circumstances have definitely made shopping a little more complicated. If it’s not with masks and social distancing, it’s online shopping for everything from groceries to mattresses to everything in between! (Sooooo many boxes being delivered, am I right?) But what might have stayed exactly the same is the negative reaction you get from your…