Christmas Money Tension? Strengthen Your Marriage by Pooling Finances

Christmas Money Tension? Strengthen Your Marriage by Pooling Finances

Not long ago, I got into a conversation with a young couple trying to navigate the journey of their first Christmas as husband and wife. Not surprisingly, they had discovered the road was full of potholes. Given how hard it is to buy an affordable house these days, she was eager to start radically saving…

The Saver-Spender Disconnect in Marriage – and How to Handle It

The Saver-Spender Disconnect in Marriage – and How to Handle It

By Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn Are you and your spouse on two different pages around money? The two of us certainly had that problem. In fact, we had such a disconnect that one of us pleaded with the other, year after year, to go the church’s financial management class – and finally went alone. But…

Rocky Finances Don’t Have to Mean a Rocky Relationship!

Rocky Finances Don’t Have to Mean a Rocky Relationship!

By Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn Financial challenges are everywhere these days, aren’t they? Inflation is taking a bite out of budgets, and don’t even get us started on gas prices! Thankfully, there is a way to keep strained finances from creating a strained relationship. We learned this very personally, ourselves. In March of 2020 we…

More Money Won’t Help Your Marriage – But These Habits Will
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More Money Won’t Help Your Marriage – But These Habits Will

“If we just had more money it would change everything . . .”   That thought comes so easily when there are financial tensions in marriage. “If we just had an extra $200 per month, we wouldn’t argue about keeping the A/C turned down so low.” Or, “If my salary were higher, her weekly trips to…

When Knee-Jerk Reactions Cause Money Tension In Marriage
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When Knee-Jerk Reactions Cause Money Tension In Marriage

Although everyone reacts in different ways, at some point we all have a negative response to something around money—especially what our spouse does with money! In doing research for our book Thriving in Love and Money, my husband Jeff and I found that these knee-jerk reactions often trace back to a few faulty patterns of thought. But if we can learn to recognize and catch those wrong assumptions, we can retrain our thinking and dramatically change our interactions with our spouse.

Announcing a New Resource for Thriving in Love and Money
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Announcing a New Resource for Thriving in Love and Money

If you or your church are pondering whether to do a money management course in January (such as a Dave Ramsey or Crown Financial class), I want to propose a completely new idea for you: We’ve been doing money management programs in the wrong order! Nearly every such program starts with teaching and encouraging the…