Two great ways to boost your son's self-esteem

Two great ways to boost your son's self-esteem

Many boys these days go through challenging times that are not of their making, and yet they affect how our sons view themselves. Every day, boys experience challenges at school that make them feel stupid, especially since our sit-still-and-listen school processes are not necessarily optimally designed for how boys’ brains learn! Perhaps even more toxic…

A Letter from Shaunti: Do you want to help lead the launch of The Kindness Challenge in early 2017?

A Letter from Shaunti: Do you want to help lead the launch of The Kindness Challenge in early 2017?

Hi friends – There is something very exciting happening, and I can’t wait to tell you about it!  In a few weeks I’ll be able to give all the details, but for now I want to ask you to consider this question: Are you or your group interested in being a part of our launch…

Men: This one little movie moment touches your wife’s heart – and shows you how you can, too

Men: This one little movie moment touches your wife’s heart – and shows you how you can, too

Recently, I wrote an article for women about the surprising movie scene that secretly makes men cry. But today I want to give men a secret of their own: a secret that answers the exasperated question from one teenage boy, “Why does that one scene in Cinderella always make girls all gooey?” There’s a very…

Ladies, here’s the surprising reason why your husband cried at that Tom Hanks scene and you didn’t

Ladies, here’s the surprising reason why your husband cried at that Tom Hanks scene and you didn’t

A woman came up to me after a talk about gender differences and asked, “My husband and I were watching that new Tom Hanks movie, Bridge of Spies, and near the end I looked over and my husband was crying! I mean, it’s great that Tom Hanks saved the day, but why on earth would that…