At a Loss When Your Husband Gets Lost: It's Not Just About the Directions

At a Loss When Your Husband Gets Lost: It's Not Just About the Directions

Dear Shaunti, It makes me insane when my husband doesn’t ask for directions. Last weekend we were meeting friends at a new restaurant and I got the cold sweats while I watched the minutes tick by as my husband tried to guess his way there. And what’s crazy is that we have a GPS in…

Why a scene from Star Trek made me cry: It’s all about mothers!

Why a scene from Star Trek made me cry: It’s all about mothers!

OK, I’m weird this way… I cry not just at sad stuff, but at things that make me overwhelmingly joyful, and things that are powerful or profound. When I see a beautiful Christmas flashmob singing to the glory of God in a crowded suburban shopping mall, I tear up. I was speaking at a corporate…