3 Crucial Facts You Really Need To Know About A Man’s Brain

3 Crucial Facts You Really Need To Know About A Man’s Brain

The funniest movie moment I’ve seen this summer comes at the very end of Inside Out, as the main preteen girl character talks to a preteen boy at a hockey rink. We’ve been seeing inside her head the whole movie, but instantly the camera zooms out of her brain and into his…. where his mental control room…

Husbands, It’s Common To Be Attracted To Images Of Other Women. What Matters is What You DO About It.

Husbands, It’s Common To Be Attracted To Images Of Other Women. What Matters is What You DO About It.

Within days of releasing For Women Only, based on my research study of the inner lives of men, my husband Jeff told me it was all his male buddies wanted to talk about. Not because their wives could finally understand them… but because they could finally understand themselves.  The most popular topic of discussion? The “Visual” chapter, where…

Launching my new book, Through A Man’s Eyes, with an open letter to leaders

Launching my new book, Through A Man’s Eyes, with an open letter to leaders

July 21, 2015 A Special Letter from Shaunti Feldhahn to Leaders Who Work in the Marriage and Family Arena Dear Leaders, Today I am beyond thrilled to release a book for women called Through A Man’s Eyes, that I hope will help you every day in your work with marriages and families. If you are…