Three Simple Steps to More Joy in Your Life and Relationships

Three Simple Steps to More Joy in Your Life and Relationships

Does your mother-in-law make you want to pull your hair out by criticizing every move you make? Maybe your wife doesn’t appreciate all the things you do for your family, or it’s your husband who takes you for granted and always seems angry. Perhaps you dread going to work every day because your boss talks…

Join Me Tonight for a Major Announcement on Facebook Live

Join Me Tonight for a Major Announcement on Facebook Live

MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT TONIGHT AT 8 pm ET VIA FACEBOOK LIVE! You know those days when you are so excited about something, you’ve just gotta tell somebody? That is how I feel about what is going on with the new book launch and the 30-day Kindness Challenge initiative that goes with it! First things first: Although…

4 Ways to Keep your Temper When You Want to Blow

4 Ways to Keep your Temper When You Want to Blow

While doing some research for my next book, I realized something important: when we are angry, most of us handle it wrong! Here are four ways to keep ourselves from (forgive the Marvel reference) turning into a big green rage monster when we otherwise really want to! 1. In advance, realize: “venting” only makes things…

3 Ways to Rebuild Family Bridges Over the Holidays

3 Ways to Rebuild Family Bridges Over the Holidays

You know those college-football bumper magnets that say “A house divided?” Perhaps she supports University of Michigan, he’s a rabid Michigan State guy. Maybe it’s Alabama vs. Auburn. Or USC – UCLA. Regardless, the couple has to learn to get along during football season. I feel like our entire country needs a bumper magnet. A house…