Avoid divorce with this simple recipe for a happy marriage

Avoid divorce with this simple recipe for a happy marriage

I love that social science now regularly disproves this long-held belief of our culture: that if you are very unhappy in your marriage, it’s better to be realistic and just move on.  Because there is very little chance that you will eventually be very happy together.  Especially since so few people are happy anyway, right?…

Why You Need to Start the 30-Day Kindness Challenge TODAY!

Why You Need to Start the 30-Day Kindness Challenge TODAY!

Today (January 16, 2017) marks a big day: the launch of the 30-Day Kindness Challenge nationwide! Although you can start it at any time – and will see a marked improvement in your relationships if you do – we encourage people to start TODAY if you can! Why? Thirty days from today is Valentine’s Day….