Announcing a New Resource for Thriving in Love and Money
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Announcing a New Resource for Thriving in Love and Money

If you or your church are pondering whether to do a money management course in January (such as a Dave Ramsey or Crown Financial class), I want to propose a completely new idea for you: We’ve been doing money management programs in the wrong order! Nearly every such program starts with teaching and encouraging the…

War, Women and Backpacks: A Story of Faith, Hope and Love

War, Women and Backpacks: A Story of Faith, Hope and Love

I’ve often written about the importance of generosity and sacrifice in creating thriving personal relationships. They are also critical in shaping how we view our world –and softening our hearts to something we may not have seen before. I want to give you a real-world example of generosity and sacrifice—and encourage you to join in…

This Is What Makes Your Man Vulnerable—Be Aware And Take Care!
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This Is What Makes Your Man Vulnerable—Be Aware And Take Care!

An iceberg is typically 90% below the surface, with only 10% visible. Does your man ever seem like that iceberg, with so much hiding under the surface compared to the small portion you can actually see? Like many men, he probably doesn’t volunteer a whole lot about what he’s thinking and feeling deep down. So…

What Happens When God Interrupts Us In The Midst Of Our Stress?

What Happens When God Interrupts Us In The Midst Of Our Stress?

We’re heading into that crazy busy time of year known as the holiday season. And according to the store decorations, the holiday music on the radio, and multiple social media posts of friends putting up their trees before Thanksgiving, we’re already there! For a lot of us, though, we’re just not ready for the holidays…