Join us for the 30-Day Kindness Challenge!

New Year, New Enjoyment in Your Marriage / Relationship! Join us for the 30 Day Kindness Challenge! January 16 – Valentine’s Day   Hi friends! We have a fun initiative coming up with several author/speaker friends, and would love you to join us.  Starting January 16 and ending Valentine’s Day here’s the challenge: Don’t say…

The Best Habit for Improving Marriages (A Note for Leaders)

The Best Habit for Improving Marriages (A Note for Leaders)

Hi Leaders!  Thank you for all you do!  I have a suggestion for an upcoming habit-changing initiative that will dramatically help the couples in your church, small group or counseling practice. The Premise In one of my early For Women Only radio interviews, Nancy Leigh Demoss suggested something to her listeners that I have since…

What Does It Mean to Lead Your Daughter Spiritually?

What Does It Mean to Lead Your Daughter Spiritually?

What Does It Mean to Lead Your Daughter Spiritually? Guest post by Dr. Michelle J. Watson. Dads…I realize that I may be treading on sacred ground here as I provide you with suggestions about what it means to be a spiritual influence in your daughter’s life, so please understand that I am approaching this subject…

Wives, if your husband ever seems inconsiderate, assume he doesn’t want to be

Wives, if your husband ever seems inconsiderate, assume he doesn’t want to be

Welcome to Marriage Mondays! Each Monday, join me as I share my top findings on the little, eye-opening things about men, women, and relationships that make a big difference in creating great marriages. Tip #44: Wives, if your husband ever seems inconsiderate, assume he doesn’t want to be Ladies, have you ever had one of…