Today Starts The 30-Day Kindness Challenge!

Today Starts The 30-Day Kindness Challenge!

For all current information about The 30-Day Kindness Challenge, including Shaunti’s new book The Kindness Challenge, please click here. Today Starts The 30-Day Kindness Challenge! And weeeeee’re off!  The starter’s gun has fired and you’re off and running on a thirty day marathon that will lead to some great encouragement in your lives and marriages….

How can I get my teen to STOP relying on social media so much?

How can I get my teen to STOP relying on social media so much?

My kids’ obsession with Instagram and other social media has gotten to ridiculous levels. My teenage daughter takes photos of her outfits before she goes to school and wears the option that got the most likes.  She’s already placing far too much value on what her peers think of her, and social media is making…

In marriage, realize the need to understand men’s deep vulnerability

In marriage, realize the need to understand men’s deep vulnerability

A women’s ministry leader once told me, “With a woman, if something is unsettled in her marriage or dating relationship, it’s like nothing is right with the world until that is resolved.” So true! Whether it is a single woman who is wondering why her latest date won’t call her back or a woman married…