What Every Empty Nest Parent Needs to Know (Part 1)

What Every Empty Nest Parent Needs to Know (Part 1)

Are you adjusting to the changing realities of an empty nest? This series will help! Parts 1-2 will address your new season of parenting. In part 3, we’ll navigate the new ground your marriage is breaking (no, your marriage isn’t breaking!). And stay tuned for a two-part follow-up later this fall, when we’ll reveal what…

The Saver-Spender Disconnect in Marriage – and How to Handle It

The Saver-Spender Disconnect in Marriage – and How to Handle It

By Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn Are you and your spouse on two different pages around money? The two of us certainly had that problem. In fact, we had such a disconnect that one of us pleaded with the other, year after year, to go the church’s financial management class – and finally went alone. But…

What To Do When You Think “What I Need is Obvious —Why Aren’t You Doing It?”

What To Do When You Think “What I Need is Obvious —Why Aren’t You Doing It?”

When Jeff and I first began doing marriage conferences, one church decided to schedule their fall event for eight hours on a Saturday. We gently tried to suggest a shorter timeframe (Fall is FOOTBALL SEASON y’all), but the organizers truly wanted all day. So we taught on what men and women need to know about…

The Sneaky Solution to Finding Peace Instead of Stress (Part 3)

The Sneaky Solution to Finding Peace Instead of Stress (Part 3)

This is Part 3 of a three-part series on a crucial and often-overlooked way that we women can find peace instead of stress in our lives. In Part 1 and Part 2 we talked about the contentment we can find when we work with, rather than against, our seasons of life. But what do we do if…