Improve Your Sex Life by Accommodating Your Wife’s Needs

Improve Your Sex Life by Accommodating Your Wife’s Needs

After hearing yet another variation on the “not tonight, dear, I have a headache,” Dan turned over and tried to go to sleep. Disappointed and frustrated, he wondered why he always had to be the one to initiate sex, and when he did, his wife was frequently less than enthusiastic or altogether uninterested. Even though…

After You’re Married, Keep Dating Your Wife (It is Much Easier Than You Think)

After You’re Married, Keep Dating Your Wife (It is Much Easier Than You Think)

Guys, in Part 1 we revealed that your wife doesn’t feel forever loved and happy just because you declared your forever love and married her. It reminds me of that groaner of a joke about the man whose wife complained that he rarely said ‘I love you.’ His response: “Why do I need to tell…

Marriage Itself Doesn’t Make Your Wife Happy

Marriage Itself Doesn’t Make Your Wife Happy

Guys, if you think things are going fine in your marriage, but you hear your wife asking perplexing questions like, “Do you really love me?” or “What happened to the romance?” see her questions as red flashing warning lights. They are alerting you to something you need to take seriously. (Thankfully, based on years of research…