Raising the Curve on Kindness—It’s the Perfect Time

Raising the Curve on Kindness—It’s the Perfect Time

While we’re all working to “flatten the curve” on COVID-19, I want to challenge all of us to “raise the curve” on kindness!  We are starting a major 30-Day Kindness Challenge initiative on Friday March 20, 2020; please join us in doing it for one or more important people in your life! (See below for…

Our Newest Book Is Here—And You’ll Love the Story of How This Happened!

Our Newest Book Is Here—And You’ll Love the Story of How This Happened!

Today’s the day! We are so excited to announce our latest research-based book! Jeff and I finally tackled that issue that causes issues in SO many marriages: MONEY. The book is Thriving in Love & Money: 5 Game-Changing Insights about Your Relationship, Your Money, and Yourself—and as many of you might guess, we’re tackling it…