Atlanta's 'snow day' update

Okay, I just had to post this update to this morning’s blog. My kids were delighted with the snow day of cancelled school, but highly disappointed that the snowstorm is providing neighborhoods at our latitude only intermittent big fluffy snowflakes and ice, and rain at all other times.

They were determined to get the most out of our ‘snow,’ so every time snowflakes fall, they run outside to …well…not have a snowBALL fight, so much as a snow PELLET fight. If they scoop up enough snowflakes and ice that have stuck to the dead leaves on the ground, they can scrape together ice-and-snow pellets to throw at each other.

Yes, slightly pathetic, I know, but these are the winter sports in Atlanta. My kids are HIGHLY jealous of their friends who live in neighborhoods just a mile or two north, where the temperature is a smidge lower and the precipitation is ACTUAL snow.

I know all of you who live in the northern states that have gotten hammered by the recent series of storms, probably wish you could send some of your snow down here!

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