Update to Blinded by a Panera Straw

Hi friends! Wanted to give you an update on my eye adventure .  I can’t type long so I will make this short -but at least I can see to type, which is a relief!!
I woke up today feeling MUCH better, and able to open my injured eye. The cornea specialist I saw Wednesday said it was healing well.  I need to wear a lighter eye-patch cover, with sunglasses to keep brightness from hurting my eyes, and keep using the antibiotics, but I am able to cut WAY down on my painkillers. Wohoo!
That said, the doctor did make frowny faces at me when I said I was committed to doing my rural-area weekend speaking engagement this weekend. At the original doctor’s request, I already had cancelled my Thursday talks at a university 2 hours away that I couldn’t safely drive to. Which I was sad to do, but it was necessary.  And she thought I would be fine by this weekend, for the other one. But this doctor, today, was not as convinced.   She mentioned the strain of the airplane flight (dry air; changes in air pressure) and lack of a nearby doctor (what happens if I encounter a problem in the middle of nowhere where there is no opthalmologist?), but did concede that taking the journey wouldn’t hurt the eye itself.   And I cannot in good conscience cancel a speaking engagement that is depending on me, when I can physically get there!  It might have been impossible if I was having to rent a car and drive from the airport, but the event organizer had already arranged a car service to drive me around, so that won’t be a problem.
That said, I really appreciate everyone’s prayers these last few days- and would love you to keep praying that my eye keeps healing well and quickly, and that I am able to do my speaking engagement well, this weekend!  I will keep you updated!
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One Comment

  1. Karen Newby who is our resident pastoral correspondent for reader inquiries emailed me when she read the news on the blog about Shaunti’s eye and replied with this comment which made me (and Shaunti) laugh “Oh MY GOODNESS… how terrible! But I can’t resist this……tell her that is what she gets for having “Eye-opening insights” in her email banner…” That pretty much cracked me up.

    On a completely separate note – will you all leave a comment here for Shaunti to see about the TERRIBLE quality of that picture? It’s because she still uses a blackberry. We keep trying to get her to replace it with an iPhone or something that has a decent camera on it. Maybe some of you can persuade her better than I can?
    Linda, Staff and Operations Director

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