Valentine's Day Advice

For your reading enjoyment here’s the advice we got from my FB friends when we solicited their thoughts on what to do on Valentine’s Day.  We pulled together a few and my favorite responses are underlined (one from the ladies and one from the men).

LADIES: What advice do you have for the men when it comes to giving gifts this Valentine’s Day?
·         Buy one

·         Just do it. LOL

·         Give something little with a LOT of thought to the woman.

·         Price doesn’t matter. It’s the thought that counts! I’d rather get a nice, hand written, thoughtful card than an expensive piece of jewelry.

·         DO SOMETHING! Anything…try to be creative…and it doesn’t have to be a lot of money….but if you can’t think of anything…ASK. But don’t forget or make light of it….most women want something nice on this day.

·         I prefer books, hats and music instead of assorted chocolates and flowers.

·         I do not want bought gifts. I love TIME spent with my hubby. I get more from my hubby picking one of my own roses at a whim and bring it to me. Tells me that he was thinking of me at that very moment.

·         Just do something she won’t expect or just do something!!!

·         Quality time and undivided attention are my kind of gift

·         U don’t Have to make it expensive or extravagant just meaningful & from the heart… Put effort and thought into it.

·         Quality time, showing you put effort into thinking of something sweet for her, make a card…do something fun that she likes (even if you don’t). And especially DO NOT forget, or make light of it. A love note and a single rose might mean more to her than hundreds of dollars worth of jewelry and “stuff”.

·         For me- no candy or stuffed animals. I prefer flowers or balloons. I already (have) his undivided attention when I need it.

·         My hubby already knows what I want most – uninterrupted time with him since we’ve (got) our first child due in a matter of weeks!

MEN: What advice do you have for the ladies when it comes to giving gifts this Valentine’s Day?

·         Wait until the 15th to shop. You’ll save a bundle.

·          [Female response to the above] I don’t know why I just “LIKED” that. It’s funny now, but wouldn’t be too funny at my house. Just entirely too practical and completely lacking in romance.

·         Anything….. just show me you tried.

·         Remind your husband why he fell in love with you. Smile. Be positive, playful, and sexy. His most coveted gift is wrapped in what you’re wearing! Big or small, make the package visually pleasing.

·         In January ask him what he wants.

·         I just wanna hear from her, what is it that is most attractive to you about me. I want to hear that I am needed and treasured. Fortunately, she lets me know this ALL the time, anyway. It’s one of the best parts of our relationship. Telling and showing love and admiration to each other, DAILY. I love you, Judy.

·         All I want is you

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