Thanksgiving in Michigan

MI cousins.pmk

One of the highlights of every year is the week we spend with Jeff’s family in Michigan for Thanksgiving. We love being able to reconnect with Jeff’s brothers and all the kids. And my kids love their time with their cousins. 

I snapped this picture right before we left to drive back to Atlanta. My 13 year old daughter is the oldest cousin, all the way down to the new 3 week baby she is holding in this picture. A baby, by the way, who finally added ONE other boy cousin to the mix — the ONLY other boy besides my 10 year old son to balance out EIGHT girl cousins on this side of the family! 

A little Feldhahn family trivia, in case you’re interested: The funny part about this is that technically all my kids’ cousins are actually first cousins once removed.  My husband’s brothers are all older than him by four+ years, and they had kids early…and their kids are all 28-33 years old now… so their kids are all in the same general age group as my kids! So all the other kids in this picture are actually Jeff’s brother’s grandkids! (Doesn’t that make ME feel old??!)

Beyond family time, I have to admit that another highlight of Thanksgiving week is not just the Thanksgiving meal -but the Friday meal.  My sister-in-law is of Mexican heritage, and she and one of my nieces make THE most amazing “puffy tacos.” They are made from scratch; a beef mixture and cheese folded into a flaky dough and deep fried, and then served with taco fixings. I’m sure its terrible for cholesterol levels, but WOW is it good! And it is the only time each year we get this amazing treat!

It was a bittersweet Thanksgiving this year; the first major holiday after Jeff’s oldest brother unexpectedly passed away at Memorial Day weekend.  But we have so much to be thankful for, most especially a wonderful family that loves each other and loves to gather together.

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