Thankful to Have My Life Back!

Shaunti and Kids Costco

If you listen closely, you will probably hear a giant WOHOO echoing across the plains. Because my book is finally turned in and I HAVE MY LIFE BACK!!   This is me and the kids at Costco–which signals the first time in 4 months I have been able to wander the aisles without doing ‘search and destroy’ shopping, or battling the hordes at the next airport along, or staying handcuffed to my computer 16 hours a day. 

During this Thanksgiving week, my family and I are soooo thankful that we have made it through a fairly brutal year of revising and releasing 2 books (FWO/FMO), filming and releasing 3 DVD studies and 1 workbook, finishing one 3 year major research project, and writing the book to go with it (The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages, which will be out Jan 1), and finishing a 7 year investigative research project and book to go with that (The Good News About Marriage, releasing May 5).  Plus a very full travel/speaking schedule of about 55 events this year. I am so THANKFUL for God getting us through this amazing year of investment in the future… and thankful that now I can get back to investing fully in my family. And hanging out at Costco. Just to hang out. 🙂

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