The Long Road of Waiting

The story of the loooooong road to developing and releasing the For Women Only, For Men Only, For Couples Only DVD studies!

You know that feeling when you’re driving and are eager to get somewhere quickly — but you’re trapped for miles and miles behind someone who really isn’t? You’re so anxious to break free and move but it just ain’t happening?

That completely captures my sentiments around the excruciatingly looooooong multi-year wait for the For Women Only, For Men Only and For Couples Only DVD Studies which finally just hit the shelves!

You see, soon after For Women Only came out, Lifeway asked me to work with them to create a video-based bible study to go along with the book. So in 2006 we developed a robust 7-week bible study with a detailed workbook and homework, to give a church a great option for a large, in-depth women’s bible study. And many churches are still using that Bible Study today, which is great!

But from the moment that study hit shelves, we began to be flooded with requests: “When are you going to come out with a For Men Only video study?” After passing along a year’s worth of those requests to Lifeway, I fully expected them to jump in with full enthusiasm to start producing the study. But instead, the man in charge of the Lifeway men’s ministry group got on the phone with me and said, ‘We’ll certainly consider it…. As soon as you show us a request from a man.”

In shock, we looked through the dozens and dozens of requests and found that every single one of them had come from a woman! It seemed that it was the women who wanted the For Men Only study for their husbands!

It turns out that the men were not quite as eager for a longer, in-depth study to discuss relationships. And do homework. Go figure! So for years, when people asked for a video study for men or even couples, we could only apologize that we didn’t have a video study for them. We did put out some great Discussion Guides to go along with the books, but it was a shame to not have video teaching.

And then finally came the day when we saw the perfect chance to pull the trigger – when we decided to revise and update the For Women Only and For Men Only books! My wonderful publisher agreed to help us create and release THREE different DVD Studies to go along with the books – or to even be used instead of the books if desired! And all three studies are in one amazingly cheap pack that can be used with women, men or men and women together – and done by singles or couples. My husband Jeff leads the men’s study, I lead the women’s study and we both lead the couple’s study.

Here are some sneak-peek pictures of Jeff introducing the For Men Only study and Jeff and I teaching during the For Couples Only study.

Jeff FMO DVD.295             Jeff Shaunti FCO DVD.295


[column size=half position=first]Through August 2nd, my publisher is offering a 30% discount on these products for all the friends of my ministry! Click the graphic below to receive the discount. [/column][column size=half position=last ]Below is a 3-minute clip of the For Women Only study.[/column]

[column size=half position=first]                Aha!Product Banner.175


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If you want more detailed info, on the studies, check out this page to find a link to Session One of each of the three studies.

So six long years later – we finally have a 1) a guy-friendly study that men can do. And 2) a simpler option for women who want a simpler, shorter study, and 3) a study designed to be done by men and women together, based on the couples’ conferences Jeff and I have developed over the years.

Can you tell I’m excited? These studies have been a long time in coming, and I hope once you take a look at them that you’ll be excited too!


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  1. Thank you so much for the heads up about the promo code! The webpage has been corrected to include the promo code SHAUNTI2013.

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